Thermally stimulated current (TSC) measurements are used to characterize electronic trap states in methylammonium lead iodide perovsite solar cells. Several TSC peaks were observed over the temperature range from 20 K to room temperature. To elucidate the origins of these peaks, devices with various organic charge transport layers and devices without transport layers were tested. Two peaks appear at very low temperatures, indicating shallow trap states that are mainly attributed to the PCBM/C60 electron transport bilayer. However, two additional peaks appear at higher temperatures, that is, they are deeper in energy, and are assigned to the perovskite layer. At around T = 163 K, a sharp peak, also present in the dark TSC measurements, is assigned to the orthorhombic-tetragonal phase transition in the perovskite. However, a peak at around T = 191 K is assigned to trap states with activation energies of around 500 meV but with a rather low concentration of 1 × 10(21) m(-3).