Thin film of WO3 has been deposited on conductive fluorine tin oxide substrate using the hydrothermal technique. The film's microstructural, morphological and optical properties have been identified using X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscope, and spectrophotometer. The obtained results have confirmed the nanocrystalline structure of the as-received WO3 thin film with crystallite size ≈63.4 nm. Analysis of the absorption coefficient using Tauc's model shows the possibility of direct and/or indirect allowed transition with energy gaps 3.95 and/or 3.45 eV, respectively. The refractive index has been determined by different methods showing the average value (2.2 and 2.3 corresponding to the direct and indirect transitions, respectively). The nonlinear refractive index and third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility have been determined, showing the high polarizability of WO3/FTO with radiation to be promising for different optical devices and applications.